Thursday, March 7, 2013

Better luck next time

Its only been a week since my last post, and i have basically nothing to write about.  Ive been a lazy depressed fat ass this past week. Yea yea, cut myself some slack. But i just cant; I'm never satisfied with what i "accomplish" at the gym.  My weight is stuck and its driving me insane! I just feel like a fat blob. My knee has been causing me severe pain, again.  Ive been trying to push through and run it out, but now I'm back to the point where I'm limping walking home, on a day i didn't run.  Needless to say, I'm not going to make that minimum of 20 miles a week goal that i set for myself.  Makes me feel like a bit of a failure, but i have to rationalize and realize if i keep running ill be getting surgery way sooner then i should be.  I need to take care of my body.  Especially with the list of races i have lined up for myself starting in May (ill list those later). 

Since the last time i wrote, Ive only run 3 times. Friday night, March 1, was Yoga and then the gym.  I did end up leading the class, and i must say, i did a damn good job!! It really inspired me to become more involved in Yoga and Ive actually been in contact with the Corporate Yoga correspondent for Lululemon. How cool!! And, my mom has been very supportive with my new desire to become a Yoga instructor and has begun to email me anything Yoga related that goes her way. Super awesome.  After Yoga class, i went to the gym (my normal Friday night routine).  I did the StairMaster and the elliptical as my knee was in no condition to run.  Saturday and Sunday i was a major slacker and didn't work out at all.  I know, whats wrong with me! I need to get my ass in gear and stop skipping out on the weekends! Granted i do my 50+ squats everyday, its not the same as a good cardio workout. I did walk over 2 miles on Sunday though, so that counts for something.  Monday, i almost skipped the gym again, like i said, Ive been a depressed blob and when I'm feeling that way the last thing i want to do is leave my bed.  But i did drag myself out of bed and get to the gym.  I haven't, however had enough energy to go the 2 blocks the opposite direction to the tanning salon.  its been over a week since I've tanned. Eeek!  (I'm such a rambler today, my apologies!) I ran twice on Monday and then did 45minutes on the StairMaster.  I was only going to run once, but after my first run, i walked for 10 minutes and got the itch to go again.  If my knee hadn't started to make me wince i would have tried for a better 3.02mi then the first, and i was on the pace for that, but i just couldn't take the pain.  Even the StairMaster was painful for me that day. 

Run 1: 3.04miles in 19:39 with a pace of 6'27" per mile M1:6'38 M2:6'18" M3:6'23"
walked 10 minutes
Run 2: 2.01miles in 12:57 with a pace of 6'25" per mile M1:6'13" M2:6'36"

Tuesday, i did a 430am gym time. (i was going to do that today, but sleep sounded so much better...again, that bad mood in me is taking over)  That morning, i ran, lifted, and biked. It was nice to be there that early.  The weight area is no where near as busy as it is in the afternoons, so I'm able to lift without all the know-it-all "meat head" guys hanging around, I get it dude, you lift weights, but stop staring at my ass! After i finished lifting (i did arms and also did core work) i had time to kill before i needed to get ready for work so i did a 20minute bike, or 5.46miles.
My run was as follows: 3.03miles in 19:58 with an average pace of 6'35" per mile.  M1:6'35" M2:6'31" M3:6'38" at mile 2 i started to feel my knee and began to wince but i do have quite a good ability at blocking my mind and was able to finish my minimum. 

Yesterday, i did not get to the gym.  I had an obligation outside of work that took up the majority of my day and left me emotionally and mentally drained.  I did do an hour of core and strength exercises that night.  Just the basics, squats, push ups, planks, side planks, v-ups, reverse crunches, crunches, Russian twists, bicycles, you know, the basics.  I'm still debating the gym tonight.  I know it would be a great stress relief for me, which is 110% what i need at this moment, but at the same time, id much rather curl into bed, cuddle with my cat and cry.  Tomorrow, I'm supposed to have yoga class, but I'm thinking of skipping it.  Ill try and wake up for the gym in the morning, but i already know myself well enough to know its not going to happen.  Sunday, I'll just try and start fresh (I cant Saturday, as i have plans after work with a friend from out of town).

Anyways, that's my update.  sorry if it seems a bit all over the place and not well written, my head is very chaotic today.  Until next time:  "Good Better Best Never Take a Rest Til Your Good is Better And Your Better is Best"

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