Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Food for thought

Today, im writing with an open mind.  I normally sit down with a topic or event I want to write about; today, i don't have one.  This morning, I had a long talk with my best friend.  It was one that left me feeling emotional and deep in thought.  What do i want from this life? What are my dreams? Why do i hold on to things that hurt me? How can i be a better friend to all? Whats the rush?  Those are just a few things on my mind, among many others.  However, these are things that i need to pause and reflect on- and then take action to change. 

I, like many people i know, have found myself many times saying "this isn't what i had planned for my life- i should have this and that by now and be doing something different"  But guess what, life doesn't always go as we plan.  There are trials and tribulations, there is love and heartbreak, there is success and failure.  We have to take the good with the bad.  Often i choose to get stuck on the negatives in my life and not focus on what the positives could be. Everything that happens is a growing experience and something that i can take at least one positive from.  

For example, i miscarried in May. Yes, it sucks, it hurts and its hard to deal with. I can choose to stay stuck on those negatives or i can find something positive. What is positive about something so sad? Well, it brought me and my fiance closer, it strengthened my relationship with my higher power, and it gave me the chance to work on my mental and physical health so that i can be ready to have a baby when God decides the time is right. 

Sometimes its hard to find the light in the dark, but if you don't seek that light, you will never find it. Being stuck in a miserable state of mind is not fun, trust me, I've been there. Disconnecting yourself from things you love as well as the people you love and who love you is very lonely and sad.  I lost myself the past few years and am slowly learning to reach out to others, connect to my loved ones, find what i love to do, and learn its okay to be happy. I am beginning to find myself again.

I constantly tell my clients, change happens when you go out of your comfort zone.  Today it was pointed out to me that I should try to leave my comfort zone.  Comfort zones are just that- comfortable.  But they are also a place where i don't challenge myself or grow.  Its okay to retreat to my couch here and there, but to set up camp and live on my couch is not acceptable. I want to be a constantly growing person- mentally, emotionally, intellectually! But im not going to grow if im sitting at home all day isolating myself from those who love me. 

Today, i ask all of you to find the positive.  To go out of your comfort zone.  To take a chance.

Questions for you:

What do you find helps you the most when you feel stuck or down?

How often do you reach out to others when you need help?

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