This morning, I was texting with one of my best friends and confided in her that I had been feeling a tad down the past week. She replied to me with exactly what I needed to hear, and it inspired me to write this post.
Her response was:
"Run Far. Like as in exercising not running away from life"
I needed to hear that more then anything. My last post, I talked about how my week of training had been. This week, I still haven't hit the pavement. I've been feeling nauseous and exhausted all week. I've spent the week at home on the couch or in bed, binge watching Netflix. Talk about unproductive.
Having my friend say that to me, it lit a spark. She's right. What I need to do is run. When I run, I feel 1000 times better. When I'm stressed or anxious, running calms me down, allows me to sort through my racing thoughts and breathe easier. Running is a form of therapy for me. Running to me is also a form of meditation. Running, yoga, and swimming all have similar effects for me. Yoga allows me to breathe deep and focus on my breaths and the way my body flows; running and swimming, I focus on stride or strokes, breathing rhythms and am able to turn my mind off or take that time to sort through thoughts and emotions.
Not having run this week, I was not allowing myself the release of emotions and time to think- which I need. If I want to feel better, I need to run. Running is a huge part of my life and when I let running slip away, I lose a part of me.
With that being said, I'm off to run. I'm not sure how far or how long I will run. I'm don't know if ill go out and sprint 1 mile or run a slow 10 miles. I just know I will run. I will take the time to give my soul what it needs.
Unitl next time:
I hope you had a good run! Sometimes it really does help to just run it off.