Being a part of the #SweatPink family and a #SweatPink Ambassador, I'm sent weekly emails with blog ideas or prompts for things to post on my blog, twitter and Instagram. Its a great way for me to have something to write about and post things to connect with other #SweatPink ambassadors. I've been sitting here the last two weeks, thinking about the prompt sent out to us for the weeks of aug 24-sept 4.
Why have I been sitting on this one for so long? Because it required a lot of thought and re-evaluating of my goals, where I'm at right now, and where I want to be.
here is the actual prompt:
1). Take a moment to re-examine your goals [if you haven't written them down yet, go for it now!]. How do you plan to put the success of these goals into action? Are you making changes to your eating habits, allocating more time for the gym, running or other workouts, or are you joining a new group class?
2). And how will you keep yourself accountable to your fitness strategy? Are you blogging about your progress or pairing up with a buddy to motivate each other?
As you can see, its one that requires some thought. So without further to do, lets look at my re-examination. :)
I'm a goal orientated person, but my goals are always changing, I'm always jumping from one thing to the next. I don't write them down, and being a list person, I'm surprised I haven't. 2015 is more than halfway over, and while I have achieved some small goals I haven't really sat down to look at what my real true goals for myself are. In past blogs, you've read about some struggles I've gone through and how I am getting back on the grind with taking positive steps towards goals- but what are these goals exactly?
I've made a list of 10 (yes 10) goals for the end of 2015- and most are goals that can be carried out long term as well.
2015 GOALS:
1) Participate in a running race every month til the end of the year
2) Run a minimum of 70 miles every month
3) Start attending swim practices regularly with my Masters Team #EBSC
4) Cut out caffeine and soda from my diet
5) Cut out processed sugars and foods completely
6) Bike a minimum of 3 days a week as cross training - swimming 2 days a week- running 6- yoga 3
7) Deepen my Yoga practice and achieve inversions that I have been struggling with / handstands
8) Grow my personal training business and take on more clients
9) Better time management
10) Continue to grow as a better person and encourage others to do the same
Now that I have my goals, I need to take action to start seeing them achieved. I can't make a goal and expect it to just happen. I need to take action and work hard to see these goals achieved. What does that look like for me? Well, I need to hold myself accountable for starters. Getting up early and hitting the road is the best way for me to get in a run for the day. I have the privilege of only working a few days a week, and most of those days are evenings and weekends- leaving my mornings and afternoons completely free- giving me the opportunity to take the necessary actions to achieve my goals.
The steps necessary for me to achieve my goals are actually quite simple. Get up and take action. Don't let my head keep me from saying yes to working out. I am fortunate that I have a team for swim practice- that helps push me to do more in a workout then I would by myself. I have a bike trainer in my living room, so I can bike for an hour every morning while I watch some mindless reality show. And when it come to running- I have a fiancé who has become a runner and we hold each other accountable with our training.
I am registered for 2 races this month, and one next month (October). That leaves 2 more months to find races- that's an easy goal. There is a "drumstick dash" on thanksgiving day that my fiancé and I are planning to run and December we will just have to fins a race- I think there is a hot cocoa 5K that month.
Better time management for me is a work in progress, but it also starts with getting up in the morning and being proactive. I am a huge list person and use my calendar every day- so I just need to plan things accordingly.
Deeping my Yoga practice is something I need to definitely hold myself accountable for. The gym I go to has yoga classes a few times a week so I need to look at those and start attending. I'm also attending a class at a yoga studio in my area later this month about inversions. Its a 2 hour class that is focused on hips and core to help deepen arm balances. I'm really excited about this class and about getting deeper into my yoga practice. I have distanced myself from my practices. This winter I was practicing an hour every day and lately I'm lucky if I do 1 practice a week. I have the time for the practices, but my time management and mental state have kept me from being proactive and practicing.
Diet changes are ones that seem hard, but once you start doing are actually pretty easy. I eat very healthy to start but now and then I love my ice cream and pizza- which there are healthy versions of or alternatives to. And cutting caffeine is not that huge a challenge. I drink coffee every morning and am starting to cut back and hopefully eliminate that from my diet as well as soda. I'm a sucker for a diet coke and I am trying to replace that with sparkling water. I have an obsession with Coconut flavored La Croix and will hopefully cut soda out completely very soon. I used to not drink soda or eat sugar and I felt great.
To grow my personal training business, I need to put myself out there. I am starting to be more present in social media with my business, and I am hoping that word of mouth can help bring me clients. I am asking friends and family members to refer people looking for a trainer to me as well. Small steps can lead to big things.
My goals seem like a lot when I look at them, but when I think about how I will achieve them, they are not that big a deal and definitely are achievable. My last goal of continuing to grow as a better person will happen as long as I continue to take responsibility for my actions, work my program of sobriety and practice living a life of less judging and more loving. How do I encourage others to do the same? By being a living example. I need to practice what I preach.
I'm excited to start taking my goals to the next level and cant wait to see how awesome 2015 finishes out for me!
Questions for you:
What are your goals for the rest of the year? How are you going to achieve them?
What goal have you achieved already this year? How did you do it?