Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Okay, ill admit, I'm not the most clever person and i am quite terrible at making jokes and saying witty things, but if people can have Novembeard than i can at least try to make a play on words here.  I last wrote about my 10 mile morning adventure.  Since last Saturday, i have 3 more runs completed.   

Saturday, not only did i wake up early and run 10 miles but i also was non stop busy.  I stopped and had my free coffee, spent a good hour on the phone catching up with this person and that person.  Than i went to Alterra for more coffee! While there, i had some 'homework' to work on.  I of course got sidetracked reading. I'm a bit of a bookworm.  Than i had lunch with my dad, ran some errands, got a new tattoo, went to a meeting and than finally crashed around 10pm.  So, come Sunday, I SLEPT!!  I got up around noon, ate a pb&j and went back to bed til 3.  Come 330 i was out running.   I ran 5.14miles in 39:34 holding a 7'41"pace.  Not the greatest pace, but i have to give myself a bit of slack since i did a longer run the day prior.  I'm not going to list the times by mile, instead I've just posted a picture of those times from my Nike+ app below.

Come Monday morning, i was feeling quite rested, so when i out of the blue woke up at 4:30am i just stayed up.  I got busy taking care of some emails and next thing i knew, it was 5:30. Well, i might as well go for a run since i had to be at a meeting at 7am anyways.  Lacing up my running shoes is exactly what i did :).  I knew i wasn't going to be able to run 10 miles because by the time i actually left my apt. it was already 6am and i had a time limit.  I started my run the same way i had on Saturday but mixed it up as the clock ticked down.  I ended my run right where i needed to be and with enough time to grab some water and take a few breaths before the meeting started.  Monday's run was a total of 6.10miles in 45:29 with an average pace of 7'27".  On Monday morning, i also got to catch one of the most breath-taking sun rises i have seen.  Picture is below.   The times per mile for this run are as follows:  M1: 7'28" M2: 7'26" M3:7'13" M4: 7'23" M5:7'26" M6:7'46"   I credit mile 6 being slower to running about half a mile uphill.  I'm still developing holding my speed on inclines.

Tuesday, i set out to run around 3pm, however, i kept running into people i knew. I'd get about a block, run into someone I knew and end up pausing to talk for a a good half hour.  I didn't bother with my Nike+ until 430.  I FINALLY got in 3.73miles in a time of 26:22 ( It felt a lot slower than normal) Average pace was 7'02"  Mile times are as follows: M1: 6'36 M2:6'43 M3:7'28"  I think i felt i ran slower than normal, because i ran different than i normally do.  What i mean by that is normally as i run, especially only 3 miles, mile 2 is the slowest.  Here, i struggled to maintain pace and gradually decreased. Not my best run.  I started off the run with a lot of down hill action and near the end, i was facing the same incline that slowed me down the day before. Not trying to make excuses for my slow time, just the run instead. Near the end, I was also feeling some pain in my knee.  I have gone about 3 weeks now running without my knee brace, and i can tell i went down those hills with a bit too much vigor.  Today i plan to run, and i feel like a massive beached whale, so id like to run until my body is 10lbs lighter; however, that is not possible and i do need to do an easy recovery  run sometime soon.  I guess ill see what happens once i get out there.

Until next time, keep one foot in front of the other...

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