I'm not sure if anyone reads this blog, and honestly, I'm writing it for myself. If someone chooses to read it, thank you! I hope I'm able to inspire you and motivate you to get off the couch and put on your running shoes.
I took a few days here and there off from running. My body needs rest and pushing myself every single day to run hard and run fast is going to wear me out quicker. On Monday, I had a decent mid-afternoon run. Completed 3.51 miles in 23'25" with an average pace of 6'40 per mile. M1-7'12" M2-6'19" M3-6'25. Was a slow start, but I eventually picked up my pace. Running my first mile in the 7min range did get me bogged down. Its unacceptable to me; however, I'm someone who is never satisfied with results. I can always find a flaw and a reason as to how and why it should've been better.
Tuesday I wasn't able to run as I had a 7am commitment, was at work from745a-715p and than was late to a 7pm commitment. Afterwards I had dinner plans with my best friend:) and thank goodness i did for i was famished as I hadn't eaten yet that day.
Wednesday, I felt a bit groggy and "out of it" but made myself run. The sun was hot that day. I put in my headphones, started blaring my pandora radio dubstep station and was off. I felt great and was feeling the speed. I decided I was going to go a hard mile. I finished 1mile in exactly 6"00'. "Wow, that's great" you say, well I was pissed!! Really, I was that close to a 5 minute time and I blew it! Was it the cross walk or because I had to run around the woman walking her dog?! Heaven forbid I actually just accept that time. I rested for about a minute and that reset my Nike+. I cant end my day having run just one mile. That would be pointless. So i was off again. I ran another 1.69 miles. The 1st mile I knew wasn't going to be faster and it wasn't. I started off with mi 1 at 6'53' I only got in 11'44" minutes more after that first 6min mile. I would have kept going but my body sent me a signal to stop. A block away from my house I was bent over and heaving. I guess milk and pb&j an hour before running is a bad idea. Due to the abuse I have put my body through and sadly still put myself through, my stomach doesn't digest food very quickly. My body takes twice as long to digest food as a "normal" persons. But this is a blog about running and not food, so moving along...
Thursday, I was getting anxious jitters sitting at work. I couldn't wait to be done for the day and get my run in! It was all I could think about. I needed to make up for my "fail" from the day prior. The first thing I did when I got home was change as quick as I could and bolt out the door. The open road was waiting for me, calling to me. I decided I would run along the lake front that day. There's a "workout" area that I wanted to check out. (Since i moved in may I have yet to get a gym membership) I ran 3.02 miles in 23"03' and ended right at my destination. My time was slow compared to normal but my body was tired and screaming at me for a nap. The average pace was 7"37'. Eeekk!! That didn't sit well with me. I didn't run a single mile under 7. M1-7"20' M2-7"40 M3-7"42'. I finished my run and right away started doing upper body strength work as well as some abdominal work. I pride myself on my 6pack :)
Today, I had a great run but I will write a separate blog about that later as this one is getting a bit lengthy. Until next time, may the wind be at your back :)
"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?'"
Peter Maher
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